The Key To Judo

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Author: Chikashi Nakanishi
Pub: 1963 by Pelham Books LTD
Pages: 100
Ranking:Three Star Rating
Out of Print


This book serves more as an overview of Judo rather than as a book to learn techniques from. It does, however, contain some interesting information that is not easily available elsewhere. Two pages of info on Kimura, for example. Although the book contains photos of techniques, it was much more interesting for the information that it contained, rather than the few techniques it showed.

  Foreword                                    9
  Introduction                               11
 CHAPTER ONE        The History of Judo      15
 CHAPTER TWO Underlying Principles of Judo   24
 CHAPTER THREE Present-Day Judo              31
 CHAPTER FOUR Judo Practice                  41
 CHAPTER FIVE Judo Technique                 51
 CHAPTER SIX        The Judo Throws          61
 CHAPTER SEVEN Katamewaza -- Judo Holdings,     
                     Locks and Strangles     74
 CHAPTER EIGHT Judo Contests                 80
 CHAPTER NINE The Benefits of Judo           90
   Glossary of Japanese Terms                97


Charles S. Palmer (5th Dan)

This book is one which will fill a gap that has existed for too long in the ranks of Judo literature. Instead of attempting to be an exhaustive treatise on the whole subject of judo, the author has approached it from an angle for which his birth and background have particularly suited him. For the first time an explanation is given for the claims made about the mentally stimulating and character building qualities which go with the physical practice of judo. The reader will also find herein very clear explanations of the origins of many of the traditions as well as the techniques of judo and I would think that this book is a 'must' for the collection of every judoka. Finally, lest you should think that this book is of interest only to theoreticians, I would draw the reader's attention to the photographic illustrations which are ample proof of the fact that the author is a man of great technical and practical ability in competitive judo.



Each year the number of judoka (judo players) is increasing. At the same time there are many people who, although not practising judo, have none the less become interested in it, perhaps because they have friends or relatives who are judoka or because they have seen one of the now numerous judo shows or competitions or television presentations. Others may have vaguely heard of judo and be considering the idea of taking it up. This book is meant specifically for such people and for beginners in judo who want to acquire a sound general knowledge of judo and to understand its spirit and aims as well as its technical form.

C. N.



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