American Combat Judo

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Author: B. J. Cosneck
Pub: 1959 by Sentinel Book Publishers, Inc.
Pages: 123
Out of Print


You won't be learning any Judo from this book, in fact what Judo it does show is fairly raw and unsophisticated. It seems to be much more related to wrestling than Judo. That being said, it's really not too bad, and does contain a number of rather nice self-defense techniques. I am, however, somewhat amused at the resuscitation of an unconscious victim... this book suggests pulling the unconscious person up to a sitting position and driving your knee into the back of his spine. Overall, the book is worth reading, but be careful what you take from it!

American Combat Judo

Table of Contents

PREFACE ................................................... V
READER................................................... VII
DISABLING BLOWS........................................... II
   Hack and Jab .......................................... 12
   Chart of Disabling Blows............................... 13
HOLDS AND LOCKS .......................................... 2l
   Rear Arm Strangle...................................... 22
   Grab Belt or Crotch.................................... 24
   Wrist Hold Variations.................................. 26
   Grab from Behind -- Arms Free.......................... 28
   Grab from Behind -- Arms Locked........................ 30
   Arm Drag from Behind................................... 32
BREAKS AND RELEASES....................................... 35
   Break from Front Body Scissors......................... 36
   Break from Rear Body Scissors.......................... 38
   Break from Full Nelson................................. 40
   Break from Hammer Lock ................................ 42
   Break from Front Finger Strangle....................... 44
   Break from Grab Belt and Elbow......................... 46
   Break from Rear Strangle............................... 48
   Break from Arm Strangle................................ 50
   Break from Hand Clasp.................................. 52
   Break from Front Bear Hug.............................. 54
THROWS AND TRIPS.......................................... 57
   Shoulder Twist into Strangle........................... 58
   Hip Throw ............................................. 60
   Shoulder Throw......................................... 62
   Tip Over............................................... 64
   Counter for Chest Push................................. 66
   Pile Driver............................................ 68
   Ankle or Cuff Jerk..................................... 70
   Lapel Throw ........................................... 72
   Trip from Rear......................................... 74
   Trip from Behind....................................... 76
 POLICE TACTICS........................................... 79
   Fighting Two Men at Once............................... 80
   Rope Strangle.......................................... 82
   Hammer Lock Come-Along................................. 84
   Removing an Unwilling Person from a Chair.............. 86
   Disarming an Assailant Who Has a Pistol                   
   Pointed at Your Back................................... 88
   Disarming an Assailant Who is Facing You with a Pistol. 92
   Disarming Opponent of Club............................. 94
   Crossed Arm Come-Along ................................ 96
   Resuscitation.......................................... 98
   Taking an Unwilling Prisoner.......................... 100
   How to Search a Prisoner.............................. 102
   Blocking Hip or Shoulder Throw........................ l04
   Disarming Opponent of a Knife......................... 106
   Blocking Kick to Testicles............................ 108
   Arm Hack Come-Along................................... l10
   Arm Twist............................................. 112
   Wrist Lock Come-Along................................. 114
   Attack from the Ground................................ 116
 SITUATIONS ............................................. 119
   Being Attacked from the Rear.......................... l21
   Being Strangled with Hands............................ 121
   Being Strangled with Forearm.......................... 121
   Being Grasped by the Wrists........................... 121
   Being Attacked While Lying Face Down.................. 121
   Being Rushed Head-On.................................. 122
   Fighting Face to Face................................. 122
   Making an Attack from the Rear........................ 122


This handbook of American Judo is a thorough study in the methods and techniques of hand-fighting. It is based upon the classic jiu-jutsu but incorporates the most recent improvements in the scientific development of modes of personal combat. It also borrows from wrestling, boxing and la Savatte (footfighting), those special features that are peculiarly adapted for a system of hand-fighting.

The purpose of The American Judo is twofold. The first is to develop a technique of disabling and, if necessary, seriously injuring an opponent. The second and of no lesser importance is to give the reader adequate skill and knowledge in defending himself against an assailant. In both instances it is perfectly obvious how important it is to perfect to the highest degree the mechanical efficiency of the various holds, grips, etc., that are employed in the system of American Judo. It cannot be over-emphasized that the slightest defection in the application of any given hold may mean serious injury. Furthermore, every superfluous movement, no matter how slight, must be eliminated. The essence of success in the method of American Judo is speed, combined with a complete knowledge of the proper moves based on the element of surprise. Another point is that the holds taught are broken with the greatest difficulty. Each hold is created with one dominant purpose: to secure the maximum effect with the greatest economy of time, movement and effort.

The large number and variety of holds and maneuvers have been presented not with the intention of having the student master each and every one; rather, they have been enumerated and illustrated to afford him an opportunity to select those best fitted to his personal physical equip-ment. The hold that one man excels in cannot always be mastered by another. In this connection it is well to remember that absolute proficiency in a few holds is a wiser policy than an incomplete mastery of a hundred.



1. Whenever possible deliver a kick or blow to the testicles or to the Adam's apple.
2. Every move must be made with a snap or jerk. A slow move is absolutely worthless.
3. Any of the holds in this book can result in extreme injury, therefore. exercise extreme caution in practice.
4. Don't try to resist your opponent, on the contrary, give way to his pressure and use his original force and momentum to his own disadvantage. In fact. the counter move for most Judo holds is to move with your opponent's hold faster than he expects you to. In that way you can often escape from an otherwise unbreakable hold.
5. The secret of falling is to be completely relaxed. This is often quite difficult, because when a person feels himself falling his instinctive reaction is to tense his muscles. Although instinctive, this reaction is to be avoided because muscular tension places a strain on the bones to which the muscles are attached, enabling these bones to he more easily injured.
6. Work all the holds from both aides so as not to limit yourself to becoming "one-sided" in your abilities.
7. Every move in Judo should be made with a maximum of speed and carried through to its logical conclusion. Be sure that you have the procedures clearly in mind. Never stop a movement half way because injuries to yourself might easily result.
8. All moves should be smooth and flow one into the other with no awkward halts or delays between them.


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