Dynamic Judo - Grappling Techniques

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Author: Kazuzo Kudo
Pub: 1967 by Japan Publications Trading Co.
Pages: 224
Out of Print


This is a two volume set, the red cover is throwing techniques, and the green cover is grappling techniques. You may also have seen this set of books in paperback - renamed 'Judo in Action'. (See Note) If you cannot find this book, 'Judo in Action' is a good substitute. These books contain the type of detail that really makes a difference in your technique. Includes 'special hints' and 'key points', as well as follow-up attacks and escapes. These books are out of print, and close to impossible to find. And when you find them, you'll pay an arm and a leg for them... (and count yourself lucky!)

(Note: The only major difference that I can tell between the paperback 'Judo in Action' and "Dynamic Judo" is that the 'Judo in Action' cuts out some of the escapes, and doesn't contain the 10 page chapter 7 - historical information, bibliography, and index.)



About Judo
Folio of Champions

1 - Fundamentals

 l7 What are the grappling techniques?
 17 Body movements
 18 Performing the techniques
 18 Making progress
 18 Training

2 - Pinning Techniques

 26 Main points
 26 Training rules
 28 KESA-GATAME (scarf hold)
 34 KUZURE-KESA-GATAME (variant scarf hold)
 37 USHIRO-MESA-GATAME (rear scarf hold)
 40 KATA-GATAME (shoulder hold)
 45 KAMI-SHIHO-GATAME (upper four-direction hold)
 51 KUZURE-KAMI-SHIHO-GATAME I (variant upper four-direction hold I)
 54 KUZURE-KAMI-SHIHO-GATAME II (variant upper four-direction hold II)
 58 YOKO-SHIHO-GATAME (side four-direction hold)
 64 KUZURE - YOKO-SHIHO-GATAME (variant side four-direction hold)
 69 TATE-SHIHO-GATAME I (vertical four-direction hold I)
 73 TATE-SHIHO-GATAME II (vertical four-direction hold II)
 74 TATE-SHIHO-GATAME III (vertical four-direction hold III)

3 - Strangle Techniques                                
 78 Main points
 78 Training rules                                   
 79 KATA-JUJI-SHIME I (single cross strangle I)      
 84 KATA-JUJI-SHIME II (single cross strangle II)
 86 KATA-JUJI-SHIME III (single cross strangle III)
 87 GYAKU-JUJI-SHIME I (reverse cross strangle I)
 89 GYAKU-JUJI-SHIME II (reverse cross strangle II)
 90 GYAKU-JUJI-SHIME III (reverse cross strangle III)
 91 HADAKA- JIME I (bare strangle I)                 
 93 HADAKA-JIME II (bare strangle II)                
 94 HADAKA-JIME III (bare strangle III)              
 94 HADAKA-JIME IV (bare strangle IV)                
 95 KATAHA-JIME I (one-wing strangle I)              
 97 KATAHA-JIME II (one-wing strangle II)            
 98 KATAHA-JIME III (one-wing strangle III)          
100 OKURI-ERI-JIME I (assist lapel strangle 1)       
101 OKURI-ERI-JIME II (assist lapel strangle II)     
102 OKURI-ERI-JIME III (assist lapel strangle III)
104 OKURI-ERI-JIME IV (assist lapel strangle IV)     
105 OKURI-ERI-JIME V (assist lapel strangle V)       
106 OKURI-ERI-JIME VI (assist lapel strangle VI)     
107 JIGOKU-JIME (hell strangle)                      
110 SANKAKU-JIME I (triangular strangle I)           
112 SANKAKU-JIME II (triangular strangle II)         
113 SANKAKU-JIME III (triangular strangle III)       
4 - The Joint Techniques                             
116 Main points                                      
116 Training rules                                   
117 UDE-GARAMI I (arm wrap I)                        
119 UDE-GARAMI II (arm wrap II)                      
121 UDE-GARAMI III (arm wrap III)                    
124 UDE-GARAMI IV (arm wrap IV)                     
125 UDE-GARAMI V (arm wrap V)                        
127 JUJI-GATAME I (crossmark hold I)                 
130 JUJI-GATAME II (crossmark hold II)               
132 JUJI-GATAME III (crossmark hold III)             
133 JUJI-GATAME IV (crossmark hold IV)               
134 JUJI-GATAME V (crossmark hold V)                 
137 JUJI-GATAME VI (crossmark hold VI)               
138 JUJI-GATAME VII (crossmark hold VII)             
140 UDE-GATAME I (arm hold I)                        
143 UDE-GATAME II (arm hold II)                      
144 UDE-GATAME III (arm hold III)                    
146 HIZA-GATAME I (knee hold I)                      
149 HIZA-GATAME II (knee hold II)                             
151 HIZA-GATAME III (knee hold III)                           
153 HIZA-GATAME IV (knee hold IV)                             
154 WAKI-GATAME (armpit hold)                                
5  Getting into the grappling techniques                     
157 Grappling techniques as follow-ups to throws              
158 Lead-in by moving your opponent's legs                    
158 I. When your opponent, who is lying below you, attempts to
    pull you to him.                                          
162 II. Lead-in by lifting one of your opponent's legs        
166 III. Lead-in by lifting both your opponent's legs         
168 Controlling your opponent's body from below -- rolling him
172 Downing your opponent from a standing position and moving
    into a grappling technique                                
176 Lead-ins when your opponent is lying facedown or is on all
182 Clamping your opponent's legs                             
183 Drawing your leg free                                    
6 - Follow-ups and Counter Attacks                            
188 A. Pinning technique to pinning technique                 
188 B. Pinning technique to strangle technique                
190 C. Pinning technique to joint technique                   
191 D. Strangle technique to strangle technique               
192 E. Strangle technique to pinning technique                
193 F. Strangle technique to joint technique                  
194 G. Joint technique to joint technique                     
194 H. Joint technique to pinning technique                   
196 I. Joint technique to strangle technique                  

197 A. Pinning technique against pinning technique
198 B. Strangle technique against pinning technique           
199 C. Joint technique against pinning technique              
200 D. Strangle technique against strangle technique          
200 E. Pinning technique against strangle technique           
202 F. Joint technique against strangle technique             
203 G. Strangle technique against joint technique             
204 H. Joint technique against joint technique                
206 I. Pinning technique against joint technique


THE REASON for the increasing popularity of judo all over the world since it became a part of the Olympics in Tokyo, 1964, lies certainly in its dynamically powerful techniques and in the heroic stirring barehanded throws. Though, of course, the deepest aim of judo is now and always will be the perfection of the human being, its relatively easy-to-master combat techniques and the possibility of applying those techniques to daily self-defense attract more and more followers.

For thoroughness of treatment of both the techniques and their deeper meanings against a background of judo's growing popularity, this book has no peers. Here are some of the reasons why:

The author Kazuzo Kudo (Kodokan 9th dan), as the sole living person to have received instructions directly from Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, is passing on the orthodox tradition and advancing the progress of modern judo by training such brilliant young stars as Toshio Daigo, Koji Sone, Isao Inokuma, Akio Kaminaga, Seiji Sakaguchi, Mitsuo Matsunaga, and A. Geesink. This book represents the culmination of fifty years of teaching experience involving the finest names in judo.

The explanatory texts cover the techniques thoroughly, case by case, clause by clause, as meticulously as a legal document. Series photographs back up and clarify the explanations. Only a man who knows the techniques completely and who has mastered their very inner meanings could write a book like this one. This is why Dynamic Judo is impossible to top.

This book includes the 54 grappling techniques and all of their variant application methods. Of course, number alone is nothing to brag about. The real value of the explanations lies in the equal depth and thoroughness with which all of them are analyzed and all of their essential meanings brought to the surface.

One of the book's most important features is its treatment of series techniques and variations. If one technique does not work properly, the thing to do is to use another and another in succession. If an opponent attacks with a particular technique, you counter attack with a variation. This book offers outstanding series-photograph examples of series techniques and variations carefully culled from fifty years of attendance at judo matches. Dynamic Judo comes in a complete two-volume set. Volume l contains the throwing techniques that anyone starting out on a judo career must master, and Volume II concentrates on the more advanced grappling techniques.

Though naturally the original text was in Japanese, the translator, Richard L. Gage, has made careful renditions of all judo terminology into easy-to-understand English that will set a new standard.


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